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Haller Park
  Animals and plants of Haller Park  
      A variety of game animals and birds, which are not so easily seen, inhabit the fenced area. Each has a function in Nature Trail's ecosystem, and almost all of them utilize a different feeding niche.
    The mammal species seen are hippos, giraffes, buffalos, zebras, waterbucks, elands and Oryx. The bushbuck, suni and duiker are not easily seen as tend to scamper away upon hearing any sounds. The animals most active at night are: bush pig, marsh mongoose and serval cat.

Below are profiles of famous animals at the wildlife sanctuary:
Sally and Potty, The Hippos
    Sally was reared as an orphan by wildlife filmmakers and Joan Root in Naivasha. In 1976, when she was 4 years old, she was brought to Haller Parkure Trail. She is now around 20+ years old and weighs probably 1 - 1.5 tons.
    Potty was confiscated from a German zoo, because he was not kept properly, and transferred to Nature Trail in November 1986. He probably weighs between 1.5 - 2 tons.

Cape Buffalo
    Cape Buffalos are African buffalos, and not water buffalos. There are 2 females, one who is fully grown, and the other who was born in Nature Trail in May 1990.

    There are at present, group of 7 animals, 1 adult male, 4 adult females, 1 male and 1 female calf.

    There are at present a group of 1 male, 2 adult females, 2 calves. Herd of 20 - 25 elands are domesticated at Bamburi Forestry. They are herded and culled for meat

    There are at present a group of 1 male, 1 adult female, and 1 calf. Herd of 50 - 60 Oryxs' are domesticated at Bamburi Forestry. They are herded and culled for meat. Oryxs' are extremely adapted to life in dry, poor rainfall areas.

    There are more than 160 bird species recorded to date. Some species that were introduced to Nature Trail are: Crested crane, marabou stork, yellow billed stork, pelican, Egyptian geese.
    Bird species frequently seen in the Game Sanctuary: Gray heron, black heron, great white egret, little egret yellow-billed egret, sacred ibis plovers, white-faced tree ducks (seasonal), African fish eagle and pied kingfisher and malachite kingfisher.

Weaver Birds
    The are 3 main types of weaver birds: the Taveta golden weaver, black-headed weaver and golden palm weaver

    The South African Crested Porcupines are active at night, and are rarely seen during the day. They hide in burrows, rock cavities, and boulder heaps. When threatened, they stamp with their hind feet and hurl quills.

    The crocodiles are the original parent stock of the crocodile farm, which consisted of 6 females and 1 male. These crocodiles were introduced from Lake Turkana and Tana River as eggs and hatchlings in 1975. There started laying eggs in 1984. At Nature Trail, crocodile eggs are collected right after they are laid and are incubated artificially. Thus, there are better hatching rates and minimal loss; sex ratio of hatchlings can be controlled by incubation temperatures and hatchlings can be looked after optimally

Aldabra Tortoises
    The tortoises at Haller Park trail are from Aldabra atoll in the Indian Ocean. They were collected from people who kept them as pets. Some were washed ashore.

    The monkeys found at Nature Trail are from an orphan group and their offspring are from hybrids. These species are: Green Vervet Monkey, Sykes Monkey, Mona Monkey

Reforestation Project
    Before the Reforestation project, the vegetation and soil were in terrible condition. There was bare coral rock with almost no soil and no shade. The ground water was mostly saline. Salinity has decreased over the years since the ground is covered with soil and vegetation that absorbs the heat; the soil also holds back the moisture. The following vegetation can now be found in plenty:

    They come originally from Australia, but occur naturally along the East African coast. They can tolerate saline water and are well adapted to dry areas. Their leaves, which look like pine needles, are adapted t o minimize water loss. The "needles" are actually green branches, with a very thick skin, and the leaves themselves, are reduced to small scales arranged in a row at each node of the "needles".
    The Casuarinas are well adapted to live on poor substrate: microorganisms living in its roots that help the Casuarina utilize nitrogen from the air. Other microorganisms dissolve other nutrients from the surrounding rocks, and make them available to the Casuarina tree as nutrients.
    Casuarina needles decompose very slowly. Due to their high tannin content, they are difficult for bacteria to break down. Red-legged millipedes were introduced, because they feed on dead Casuarina needles, and bacteria much easily break down their droppings. The millipedes speed up humus formation. Thus far a humus layer of over 4 inches has been built up on the coral rock.

    The Conocarpus' were introduced from Somalia. They tolerate saline ground-water and are drought tolerant. They need some soil to start, and were most successful when interplanted with Casuarinas.

    The Algaroba was introduced from South America. They are drought tolerant and, also tolerate some salinity in the water. The microorganisms in the root system help provide nutrients. They are planted mainly on the quarry slopes.

    Fruit bats distribute the neem tree seeds. Neem is used as medicines for the treatment against malaria and skin diseases. They can be used as an insect repellant and insecticide.

    Fruit bats and monkeys distribute the fig tree seeds. The four fig species are common, the most common one being Ficus Sycomorus, in Kiswahili called the mkuyu tree.
    Fig tree often germinate at quite impossible places, like on rocks or on other trees. They produce long air-roots, growing down towards the soil and becoming proper roots once they reach the soil. They grow so vigorously once they reach the soil, that they strangle and kill their host tree on which they germinated.

Indigenous Species
    Many species of indigenous coastal forest and timber trees are being planted to find the ones most suitable and to eventually replace the Casuarina and Cornacapus trees. These trees are Mvule, Mbambakofi, Mgurure.

Source: Website African Mecca (2009)

WZD - Worldwide Zoo Database
2009 - 2019
Zdroje a autoři: WZD, oficiální stránky ZOO, oficiální tiskové a jiné materiály ZOO (není-li uvedeno jinak); Datum poslední aktualizace: 24. 12. 2019
Sources and authors: WZD, official websites of ZOO, official printed and other matters of ZOO (if it is not stated otherwise); Date of last actualization:24. 12. 2019
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